
Help fund our cause.

There are multiple ways to support us.

  • Donate

    Donate to support our mission through the safe and secure website of our fiscal sponsorship, Fractured Atlas.

  • Buy Art

    Buy from our talented artists to support our cause and acquire a work of original art.


Your donations enable us to continue planning; community outreach, grant writing, developing our organization, site selection and purchasing property to create live/work space for artists 60 and older. We envision a hybrid model, for artists with mixed incomes; with housing and work space for sale and rent, that is sustainable.

There are many ways to help: make a donation or purchase artwork. We’re also seeking legacy donors, with property, buildings, land, who are interested in making a major contribution, or endowing a live/work space in their name. Direct and in-kind donations are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. Contact with questions or for more information.

These funds support:

  • building our organization, and staffing

  • grant research and applications

  • community outreach

  • continued planning for creating live/work space

We need you now - contribute today! Thank you.

Donate now at Fractured Atlas!

Join us in this exciting initiative by donating funds, purchasing artwork, creating a legacy by contributing land, a building or property to be repurposed; endow a live/work space.
— Sally Apfelbaum, Artist & Founder